It All Starts With the Brand
And it’s not just for the “big boys.” We have successfully executed scaled-down brand development exercises for one and two person, small businesses as well.
If you don’t know where you’re going, how are you going to get there?
Many people hear the term brand and think logo. Yes, we design very high quality, clever and effective logos. There’s both an art and a science to it. Logo Symbols and Logotypes.
But there’s much, much more to a coherent brand than just a logo. We consult with our clients and help them flesh out a complete Brand Architecture. A properly developed brand architecture helps reinforce the core principles of a firm in every interaction, large or small, with its customers.
Just one of the deliverables we create is the Brand Promise Statement, which serves as a beacon and guiding light for the company. The Brand Promise helps define who your customers are, what they’re looking for, and what they can come to expect from dealing with and interacting with your brand. Once developed, this critical brand component can be the litmus test used in all decisions moving forward. “If we do this, are we living true to our Brand Promise?” Our customers are amazed at how easy and obvious their marketing messages become once the Brand Promise has been properly developed.
And then, of course, are the bylines, taglines, and advertising messages. And more.
There are many fundamental building blocks to a complete, high quality Brand Architecture.
But don’t worry — we’ll guide you through the process, step by step.
Please view our portfolio for samples of brands we’ve developed, and logos we’ve designed.