The Park Theatre is a performing arts center located in Cranston, RI that had been popular decades ago, but had been closed for many years.  In 2010 a new owner purchased the property and remodeled and relaunched it.

Our team was hired to craft the theatre’s new visual identity – we designed a new logo along with a stationery set, a new website, templates for email blasts and more.  We deployed an in-house email blast software solution, and hosted the website.  

On an ongoing basis we designed all of the web and print collateral for each show (dozens of them each year) including postcards, posters, flyers and more, as well as all of the weekly newspaper and magazine ads.   On the digital side we managed their social media platforms and ongoing ad campaigns, and executed the weekly email blasts.

* Logo Design & Branding
* Website Redesign
* Advertising
* Marketing
* Print Design
* Social Media